The labeling requirements for all prepackaged goods are included in the national standard: SSB 003:2013 "General requirements for the labeling of prepackaged goods".
This standard has been elevated to a technical regulation since 2014. This means that all prepackaged products offered for sale must comply with the guidelines outlined in the standard.
The technical regulation contains the minimum requirements for the information that must be provided on labels of prepackaged goods offered for sale, the method for displaying this information, and, where necessary, the wording and units of measurement (metric) to be used.
The minimum requirements that prepackaged goods must meet include:
- Generic or common name,
- Contact information,
- Net content,
- Ingredients, etc.
The SSB offers a label-checking service as a concession to importers, distributors, and producers of prepackaged goods.
This service involves assessing the existing label based on the requirements outlined in the aforementioned technical regulation. After the assessment, the producer receives an evaluation report. Once any necessary adjustments have been made, the product is registered under an SSB label number.
The current cost for this service is SRD 500 per label.
To determine if your label meets the requirements, you can have it assessed by the Suriname Standards Bureau. Requests for label assessment can be submitted using the online label assessment form, along with the label(s) of your product(s).