Evaluation of New Work Item Proposal for the adoption of Cabling standards
20 February 2023
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) received a letter at the end of last year regarding a proposal for the identical adoption of standards intended for the IT sector.
This is a proposal coming from the Telecommunications Authority Suriname (TAS).
The purpose of adopting these standards is to have national standards for specifications of test methods and test equipment for cables in the digital world. In addition, also for ensuring the quality of cables used for a.o. ordinary citizens.
As an outcome, the goals mentioned above will ensure the availability of specifications for testing IT cables, guidelines for the telecom sector in Suriname, among others, and a control mechanism for inspection.
This involves the adoption of the following standards:
- Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 2-21: Category 6 cords as specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1 - Blank detail specification
- Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling - Part 2-22: Category 6A cords as specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1- Blank detail specification
In accordance with the standardization process, support should be sought before the SSB can take up further coordination of this process. Therefore, as an interested stakeholder organization/institute, you are urged to complete the evaluation form by Friday, March 10, 2023.
The completed evaluation form is of eminent importance because your evaluation will allow us to determine whether there is a need to develop this standard. Following the evaluation, the National Electrotechnical Commission (NEC) will move to adopt the Standard.
The evaluation form can be found online at the link below:https://forms.gle/cUPEG6Po4kUydyNj7
Should you have any questions in response to this, please contact Mr. Tanwir Hassankhan (Deputy Director of Operations) on tel. number +597 8837509 or via email: standards@ssb.sr
Attachment: 1. New Work Item Proposal (NWIP).