World Standards Day 2021 Workshop
08 October 2021Every year on October 14, World Standards Day is celebrated in honor of everyone worldwide who is involved in standards development for producers, manufacturers, consumers, suppliers, governments, industry associations, advisory institutions and the like. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are the three global organizers. A theme is chosen every year. This year's theme is “Shared vision for a better world”, with a particular emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this context, we from the Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) have tried to commemorate this day through a workshop with panel discussions related to one of the current topics in Suriname.
The aim of this workshop is to show society the many ways in which National, Regional and International Standards contribute to the success of the SDGs. The SDGs aimed at tackling social imbalances, developing a sustainable economy and slowing the pace of climate change is very ambitious. To achieve this, the collaboration of many public and private partners and the use of all available tools, including standards and conformity assessment, is of great importance.
On the basis of the above and in view of the recent developments with regard to the price increases of energy tariffs, the choice was made for the topic “Energy Efficiency”, where one of the statements will be about reducing costs for households.
The panel will consist of a maximum of 6 members who will represent the key stakeholders involved in this topic. Your organization belongs to one of the interested bodies and its insights can be used very well in the panel discussions. Therefore, you are hereby invited to participate in the workshop that will be held on:
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Platform: ZOOM
Time: 09:00 - 12:00
Participation in this workshop is completely free. You can register via our online entry form:
Your presence will be much appreciated. We, therefore hope to welcome you on Thursday 14 October 2021!