Evaluation request for the revision of three National Poultry Standards
30 August 2021
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) recently received a letter regarding a proposal for the revision of three National Poultry Standards.
The proposal comes from the Foundation Poultry Breeders Collective Suriname (Stichting PKS). The PKS is the dynamic knowledge and expertise center for the poultry sector with standard guidelines and services to increase sustainable business and sustainable production in the poultry sector of Suriname.
This concerns the revision of the following standards:
1) SSB 002:2014 Poultry and Poultry Parts Specifications
2) SSB 004:2015 Requirements for Grade and Grade Consumption Eggs
3) SSB 009:2014 Specifications for Poultry Feed and Feed Ingredients
The aim of revising the above standards is to adapt them on the basis of new developments that have occurred in the poultry sector in recent years.
In accordance with the standardization process, support must first be sought before the SSB can take on further coordination of this process. Therefore, as an interested stakeholder organization/institute, you are urgently requested to complete the online evaluation form no later than Monday, September 20, 2021.
The completed evaluation form is of paramount importance because your evaluation enables us to determine whether there is a need to revise these standards.
The evaluation form can be found online via the link below:
Attached document: