Evaluation Adoption Energy Efficiency Labelling Standards
06 May 2021
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) has recently received a letter from the Association of Installers in Suriname, regarding a proposal for the adoption of three Energy Efficiency Labelling Standards.
This concerns the identical adoption of the following standards:
- CRS 57 Energy Efficiency Labelling of Refrigerators
- CRS 58 Energy Efficiency Labelling of CFLS and LEDs
- CRS 59 Energy Efficiency Labelling - ACs - Requirements
The goal for adopting the aforementioned standards is to develop National Standards that protect consumers, provide guidance to installers and provide importers / distributors with the minimum requirements for secure electronic equipment on the market.
In accordance with the standardization process, an evaluation of the proposal must be done before the SSB can take further coordination of this process in hand. Therefore, all interested stakeholders organizations / institutes are urgently requested to complete the evaluation form by Wednesday 19th of May 2021.
The completed evaluation form is extremely important to us, as we can use your evaluation to determine whether there is a need to develop these standards. After the evaluation, the National Electrotechnical Committee (NEC) will adopt these standards as to be National Standards.
The evaluation form can be found online via the link below: