Consultationsession "Regional standard FDCRS Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods"
20 April 2021
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) is organizing an online consultation session on Wednesday 05 May 2021. On the subject of the Final Concept Regional Standard “Labeling of Pre-Packaged Foods - Specification (Revision)”.
The purpose of this consultation session is to inform all concerned persons, organizations, institutions and companies, in short our stakeholders who will be directly or indirectly affected by this standard, with information so that it can be finalized and we are able to vote on behalf of Suriname.
This standard includes the requirements for the information to be included on labels of prepackaged foods offered for sale. It also includes the method for including this information and, where appropriate, wording and units of measure (metric) to be used. This standard also includes as informational annex guidelines for the 'Front of Package Labeling (FOPL).
You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions during the aforementioned consultation.
This consultation session takes place on:
Date: Wednesday 05 May 2021
Platform: ZOOM
Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Participation in this consultation session is completely free. To participate you can register via
our online entry form here: