Consultation session Draft National Standards “Packaged Natural Coconut Water ― Code Of Practice” & “Packaged Natural Coconut Water Specification”
18 August 2021
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) published the Draft National Standards “Packaged Natural Coconut Water Code Of Practice” & “Packaged Natural Coconut Water ― Specification” on July 29, 2021, for public feedback. During a period of two months, everyone will be allowed to comment on the draft documents.
However, to increase the number of comments received, we also wish to present the content of the draft standards to the public. Based on this, an online consultation session will be held by the SSB.
This consultation session aims to provide all involved persons, organizations, institutions, and companies that will be directly or indirectly affected by these standards, in short, our stakeholders, with information and to enable you to give your feedback on the draft National Standards. so that they can be finalized.
We therefore hereby offer you copies of the aforementioned draft national standards, with the request to read them thoroughly. The comments received will then be sent to the Technical Committee for review and processing. During the aforementioned session, you will also be allowed to ask questions and clear up other ambiguities.
You can read the standards online via the following links:
1.DNS SSB CRS 03 Packaged Natural Coconut Water - Specification
2.DNS SSB CRCP 02 Packaged Natural Coconut Water - Code of Practice
Through this, we would like to invite you to the consultation session that will be held on:
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Platform: ZOOM
Time: 9am - 11am
Participation in this consultation session is completely free. To participate, you can register via our online participation form: