2nd evaluation request for adopting “Household and refrigerating” appliances” standards
12 August 2021
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) recently received a letter from the organization We Can DO IT, regarding a proposal to adopt three Household and refrigerator appliances Standards. You will receive the request as an attachment in the form of the New Work Item Proposal (NWIP).
This concerns the identical adoption of the standards:
- IEC 62552-1: Household refrigeration appliances – Characteristics and test methods Part 1: General requirements
- IEC 62552-2: Household refrigeration appliances – Characteristics and test methods Part 2: Performance requirements
- IEC 62552-3: Household refrigeration appliances – Characteristics and test methods Part 3: Energy consumption and volume
The purpose of adopting the aforementioned standards is to develop National Standards that protect consumers and guide installers. The standards are also intended to indicate to importers/distributors the minimum requirements for safe household and refrigeration appliances on the market.
Therefore, as an interested stakeholder organization/institute, you are again urgently requested to complete the online evaluation form no later than Friday, August 20, 2021.
The completed evaluation form is of paramount importance because your evaluation allows us to determine whether there is a need to adopt these standards. After the evaluation, the National Electrotechnical Commission (NEC) will adopt the standards.
The evaluation form can be found online via the link below: