Standards for Public Comment
21 October 2020
The Suriname Standards Bureau (SSB) has sent out eight standards for public comment.
Title and SSB No. of proposed draft national standards, which are identical adoptions of the International ASTM and ISO standards:
- SSB ISO 374-5:2016 - Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro organisms – part5: terminology and performance requirements for micro-organisms risk
- SSB ISO 13688: 2013 - Protective clothing – General Requirements
- SSB ASTM F3387- 19: 2020 - Standard Practice for Respiratory Protection
- SSB ISO 22301:2019 - Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems- requirements
- SSB ISO 22395: 2018 - Security and resilience – Community resilience – Guidelines for supporting vulnerable persons in an emergency
- SSB ISO 22320:2018 - Security and resilience – Emergency management- guidelines for incident management
- SSB ISO 22316:2017 - Security and resilience – Organizational Resilience- Principles and attributes
- SSB ISO 31000:2018 - Risk management – Guidelines
You will be given the opportunity to read these standards at the SSB at leysweg # 10 until Wednesday 2 December 2020.
Note: In the link you can read the scope of the standards.