National standards published to support the fight against covid 19
18 December 2020
The Suriname Standards Bureau hereby announces that, pursuant to Article 5 of the Standards Act (SB2004, no.121, as last amended by SB2012, no.42), and the decision of the Minister of economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation of 1 August 2012 , no.1177, the following National Standards have been adopted as of December 18, 2020. Given the importance of these standards in the fight against covid 19, these standards are offered completely free of charge for further protection of our community through the links below, namely:
- SSB ISO 374-5:2016 Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms – part 5: terminology and performance requirements for micro-organisms risk
- SSB ISO 13688: 2013 Protective clothing – General Requirements
- SSB ASTM F3387- 19 Standard Practice for Respiratory Protection
- SSB ISO 22301:2019 Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems- requirements
- SSB ISO 22395: 2018 Security and resilience – Community resilience – Guidelines for supporting vulnerable persons in an emergency
- SSB ISO 22320:2018 Security and resilience – Emergency management- guidelines for incident management
- SSB ISO 22316:2017 Security and resilience – Organizational Resilience- Principles and attributes
- SSB ISO 31000:2018 Risk management – Guidelines
All SSB publications are protected by copyright. The copyright ownership of SSB is clearly indicated on every SSB publication. When purchasing a national standard you will additionally receive a clear watermark, indicating the standard has been issued to an individual or company and as such will not be duplicated. Any unauthorized use such as copying, scanning or distribution through any media, without the prior written permission of the SSB, is prohibited.