Validation workshop National Standardization Strategy 2020-2022
01 January 0001
The Surinamese Standards Bureau held a validation workshop on Wednesday 11 December 2019 for the National Standardization Strategy 2020-2022.
The aim of this workshop was first of all to inform all stakeholders or prominent stakeholders about the importance of this three-year National Standardization Strategy (NSS) and also to give them the opportunity to validate the priorities identified so far and to make additions where necessary. The NSS serves as a tool to relate the development of standards as closely as possible to the country's economic, social, environmental and other priorities.
The process of developing an NSS starts with the identification of the demand for Standards for the various sectors / branches in Suriname and ends with the publication of an official NSS, which contains a list of priority standards for development. The NSS may include an implementation plan over a three-year period (2020 - 2022), with allocated resources necessary to implement the plan.
A survey survey was conducted in the period September - October 2019, in which all stakeholders were approached with a request to indicate / identify the standards that are considered to be very important for their sector / branch so that they can be included in the survey. three-year NSS.
The result of the aforementioned activities (the NSS concept) was therefore presented to the stakeholders during this validation workshop, with the aim of receiving feedback on this. During the session, stakeholders were divided per sector for the execution of assignments and processing of feedback on the NSS. All feedback received on the NSS will possibly be incorporated into the draft, after which it will be finalized and sent to the SSB board for approval.